Faculty Fellow Profile
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Richard Stedman (PROF)
Agriculture + Life Sciences / Natural Resources + the Environment
Graduate Field(s): Natural Resources, Development Sociology
Other Academic, Research, or Institute Appointments: University of Alberta, Rural Economy (Adjunct)
Research Interests: Biodiversity, Biofuels, Climate Change, Communication, Community-based Approaches, Economic Development, Environment, Environmental Attitudes, One Health, Place Attachment, Risk Communication, Rural Development, Sustainability Of Resource Dependent Communities, Sustainable Agriculture And Food Systems
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- Farmer-First Approach to Agrivoltaics Will Benefit NY Food, Energy Goals
- Lack of Local Benefits Fuels Opposition to Solar Farms
- Cornell Study: Public Not Ready for Utility-scale Solar Farms
- Upstate Residents Skittish on Building Utility-scale Solar
- Atkinson Academic Venture Fund Awards $1.3M to 10 Projects
- Researchers Energize Effort for Energy-Smart Solutions
- Center for Conservation Social Sciences Looks at Human Role in Nature
- Atkinson Center Names 2017-18 SSHA Faculty Fellows
- Atkinson's Academic Venture Fund Awards $1.8M to 15 Projects