Faculty Fellow Profile
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Bryan Danforth (PROF)
Agriculture + Life Sciences / Entomology
Graduate Field(s): Entomology, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Other Cornell Affiliations: Cornell Center for Comparative and Population Genomics, Associate Curator of Cornell University Insect Collection
Research Interests: Biodiversity, Climate Change, One Health, Pollination Biology, Sustainable Agriculture And Food Systems, Systematics
- Why You Want Mason Bees In Your Garden & How to Attract Them
- Most Bees Live Underground. X-ray Images Reveal How They Build Their Nests
- These Bees Have Been Mummified in Their Cocoons for 3,000 Years
- Kids are Abuzz with Activities to Help Save Bees
- Bumblebees Hate Pumpkin Pollen, Which May Help Pumpkins
- Bee Exhibit Creates Buzz at Museum of the Earth
- Atkinson Academic Venture Fund Awards $1.3M to 10 Projects
- Natural Habitats, Bee Diversity Key to Better Apple Production
- Study Challenges Widely Held Assumption of Bee Evolution
- Study Reveals Best Use of Wildflowers to Benefit Crops on Farms